This was a photo of the Harvest Moon at 7am, you can see the moons' refection in the water. It's quiet dark in the morning now.
I took this photo of the moon through the pine trees, it has a dark lacy look to it.
And this went on too! with the full moon.
The beginning of the tiling are the cottage. With the tiling it will help move the water away from the foundation of the cottage & stop the nearly knee deep flooding that has been occurring with these heavy rainfalls.
This side is done & it had to be hand shoveled out as Mitchell had built my deck to last! It was concreted into the ground & bolted into the concrete foundation. It was built to last, thank you son but it was hard to get to the foundation underneath the deck...hence the hand digging it out.
If my side porch had been built on blocks...it would have been in the yard like the front deck. This was quiet the surprise to come home to after a day of rug hooking in Miramichi. Decks are moved quiet easily if on deck blocks!
The front now has mounds of dirt & no front deck!
The large tree trunks that were removed had cracked the foundation, that too was repaired!
Oh the things you can make last with concrete.
The foundation is deep in the ground & that makes for a wet basement if the tiling system is not working. :-(
My beautiful garden was removed at the beginning of the month by Bill on his last visit, it was located were the dirt piles now are.
This is a view from the side deck, all done & will be dealt with next spring when top soil & a new garden is planted around the cottage.
Oh the digging & tiling, this spring is going to be a dry one...I'm hoping!
The water will go back to the water...
A long way to go to the shore...this is the view from the back deck. The back foundation could not be tiled as the sunporch & my sewing studio are built in front & are not coming down anytime soon!
This lawn is going to be a bumpy ride till the top soil is all leveled out with the new grass!
Large groundhogs! LOL
Another side now has new tiling.
So much dirt! Looks like fun...to Mitchell anyway. :-)
Oh my sweet cottage, it's so dirty all around it!
Your deck is still standing Mitch!
The old original tiling from 1970 was found, it had corroded & collapsed, now being replaced with PVC, it will last longer underground...I'm hoping to see the benefits of the new tiling, year after year.
Let's go inside the cottage!
I found a great place for my Stoneware Horse rug, it fits beautifully at the end of the bed in the blue guestroom...in two weeks you'll be in it Mitchell!
The bed is made & waiting for you!
Here's a peak at my Fanwood rug this week. I added some smoke going out the chimney & made a scalloped roof rather than a plain one. I wanted an orange cat as I use to have one in the 80's, his name was Egnaro...that's orange spelled backwards! Egnaro was quiet the cat. I added another cat image to this rug too & a rooster. A rooster because that was the year I was born into...year of the rooster. I guess that's why I enjoy my mornings so much! lol
Have a great week everyone & take time to enjoy fall as it begins.
The colours are already changing here on the east coast, radiating their natural colour palette, with the cool nights we've been having! Summer is officially over.
Summer is over but I cannot say the same for the construct going on here at the cottage. Here's a look at the dirt piles & porch rearranging...not my doing! The garden that will be planted next summer will be beautiful though. I just keep telling myself - "You Must Have Chaos, To Have Change." And things are going to change next year upon my arrive, all for the better too!