Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Hello! 2022 Begins!!

 Hello, 2022! 

It has arrived at such a fast pace & the times we are living in our fast-changing world with a virus that just keeps on spreading to humans & animals.

It is comforting knowing that all epidemics come to an end until a new one develops.

This has been going on since the beginning of time & now we have science to help sort it out. The youth of today don't know the polio epidemic that we baby boomers went through & it was a vaccine that set that right. And I believe that this Covid 19 will be stamped out with the vaccine & boosters that are needed to navigate our way out of this pandemic.

Enough on that daily topic!

The house has been put away and the kids are all away at their homes across Canada. They are all back to work again, some from home, some out in the elevator world maintaining & inspecting elevators. 

It was so good having them home for the week of Christmas & it will be two years before we are all together again.

Good Bye 2021 - Hello 2022!

Baxter is puzzled at all the going on's with putting Christmas away!
He loved the attention of having the five kids home & now it is just Bill & I with a lot of Christmas to organize & pack away.

I have a love for china & textiles & a loving understanding husband that doesn't get in the way of my passions for colour & design through the seasons. xXx

We have had 37 Christmas's together & each item of Christmas tells a story & holds a memory.
He sure looks happy putting them all away! lol

This handsome boy is happy to have a routine with Bill & the 'truck rides'. 
He has an understanding of a very large vocabulary of words & will come out of nowhere when he hears keywords like - going, truck, mail, apartment, shop... Baxter is very clever & eager to be with Bill when he ventures out.

The picnic basket that resides on Namama's hutch year-round has taken on storage of the mouse & squirrel family that I made several years back.

Neatly tucked away for another year!

My newest crochet pattern is making Rexton a new wool basket to sit on my desk.

I'm using two strands of wool on it, my favourite Briggs & Little wool & a chunky red & white yarn, mixed with a solid red yarn.

I'm glad I increased the size of it & I know she finds it warm & cozy. It is nearly finished for her & I'm going to line it with faux sheep fur in white. The whole basket will be washable but she doesn't get dirty as she's an indoor cat. But the hair that she can shed come summer is full of dander!

I made a new white button wreath & was shocked at how little my button jar went down!

I use a large glass BICKS pickle jar for button storage it was just above 1/2 of the jar!
The glitter that comes off the buttons is impressive & looks elegant with the dark green wool behind, I did quilt the outer part of the pillow & the interior of the wreath. 
I'm still thinking about how to finish it, so for now I have just draped it over another pillow.

Years ago back in London, Bev & I did this pattern & I never finished putting it together until now.
After making Kathy Schmitz's quilt, I had an idea with the leftovers & used the swagging for the border. I loved how it turned out! It too is not finished & has been draped over another pillow. I need to pull out my black cording to see if that works with this one.

The center block is embroidered on a quilted natural coloured muslin.
I enjoy embroidery & will start a few pieces for next Christmas by Crabapple.

This has got to be my favourite bag!
I made it a few years back in a spring bag &  Christmas bag... now a winter bag!
It is a Susie Stuklis pattern from her March 4, 2017 blog, she called it a QAYG HOBO BAG 
There is no measuring other than the 52 - 5"x5" blocks & her tutorial instructions a very good!

I've had this bonjour label that I've been saving & what a wonderful way to say hello to 2022!

bonjour - hello!

The bag is light to carry & very roomy inside!

The pockets are a good 9" size too! 4 - 5"x5" squares sewn together!
I had epaulettes from a 511 coat that one of the guys had purchased.  I used those to keep the pockets closed & wool corners for more useable durability.

I also added another pocket to accommodate my sunglasses for easy reach.
Everything is quilted & lined with cotton making it light & durable!

I enjoyed carrying this bag around this holiday season so much that I wanted it in another fabric!
I carry useable tote bags & my large wallet in them. Another bonus is the tie at the top to keep pickpockets out of your purse. It was a bad year last year for me to lose my wallet that way... once bitten twice shy!

Same bag pattern with different fabrics. I love my new 2022 back!

Goodbye Christmas bag, I'll be seeing you in 10 months! 

A photo to make you laugh as you are visiting today!
Bill wearing his wooden shoes & scarf that he was gifted from his Amsterdam visit last month.
He cannot sneak around like a ninja in those shoes! I have since cut the scarf diagonally to make neck scarves for Bridget & Baxter to wear. The cookies that he brought home were delicious too!

Bill has since developed shingles on his chest & back, everyone has since told us of the shingles vaccine that both of us were unaware of!!
I'm trying to get an appointment with the clinic to get one, Bill however has to wait one year after having shingles to get his. 
He has turned the corner & is on the mend. Life has so much stress in it these days & he's told to reduce the stress & get good sleep. lol Anyone that has had shingles knows that this is nearly impossible but each day it is getting better.
This too will pass. xXx

Thank you for stopping in for a visit to see what we are up to.
It is now winter here & snow is starting to make its appearance until spring when it will start to thaw.
I love seeing the seasons & each one with its own beauty but spring & fall is my favourite!

Wishing you health & happiness always!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my Cynthia, you have a lot of decorations to put away. I can see the concern on the Baxter's face, lol. I think he would like the decorations to stay. It must take a whole room to store everything.

    I went very simple this year and it will take me about 5 minutes to take down my decorations down. I usually leave them up until after Epiphany. I have a wreath on the front door, and my nativity to put away. The poinsettia will stay out year round.

    Sorry about Bill getting shingles from stress. I've heard it's very painful.I'm glad he feeling better.

    Wishing you both happiness and good health for the new year.

    Hugs, Julia
