What a wonderful 10 days in Alberta!
The Wedding was wonderful, the weather was wonderful, & the time with family & friends was wonderful! I really don't know why I was so anxious about leaving my furbabies because when I came home they were so well mannered that I knew Dianne must have worked hard on keeping them polite. Bridget & Baxter had stopped jumping up!! Dianne is a dog whisper! Rexton was as demanding as ever with wanting her food, treats, & attention. lol
We would be staying in Red Deer & commuting 45 minutes away to Elnora where Mitch & Nicole resides. Don, Stephanie, Nick, & Leslie all stayed in Red Deer too.
We wore our face masks & hand sanitized in Red Deer everywhere we went shopping, it was mandatory. When we were in our bubble group we did not & it felt so good to hug the kids again!
Mitch & Nicole took us to The Dry Island Buffalo Jump to view this spectacular sight! The weather was as warm as the golden view, such a sight for viewing!! The bridal party pictures are going to be taken here, after the wedding service.
Me, with Mitch, Nicole, & Lois, the view behind us is deceiving. We are at the edge where there is a very large, Grand Canyon cliff drop, just beyond the high wild grass at the edge, a very dangerous deadly drop. Centuries ago, the natives would create a stampede & herd the buffalo's over the cliff & then collect their bodies for food & fur for winter survival.
Views from the cliff's edge.
Canada has so much natural beauty to take in from coast to coast!
Everyone was taking pics & posting on their Facebook, some of them I have put in this post.
So happy to be with the kids for their special day!Did you notice that there are no reds nor oranges in the landscape behind us?
Alberta has wide open spaces everywhere!
Signs were placed around to inform visitors.
I found this very interesting!
So much wildlife in this area, we nearly hit a coyote one night going back to our motel.
We saw one dead going back in the morning near the same spot!
This little bright yellow flower caught my eye, it was the only one in the area!
I snatched it up in my camera to enjoy later to share with you.
See how it caught my attention among all the other yellows? A lone flower.
The parking lot fencing had an interesting structure bolted to the metal. Mitch said it was recycled materials & I thought what a great idea, why are we not doing that. Bill replied that it was an expensive process to produce. I hope that the process comes down in price as other things have. Do you remember the price you paid for your first microwave or phone in a bag 1990's the1st cell phone? I just think this is such a good idea for our planet to use garbage & save landfills & oceans.
A close up of the recycled product, it reminds me of granite!
We could not have asked for a better day, this was Oct 5th, 2020
This open area so reminded me of the Grand Canyon photos I had seen. So vast!!
Let's Stroll Around The Village of Elnora
This is a fundraising operation that is done in Elnora.
Deb, the woman that owns the business has been our son's home away from home mom along with her husband, these two have given our son so much support & encouragement. Bill & I spent Christmas at their home when Mitch first arrived in Alberta. I knew he would be fine after meeting them & the time that Deb spent with me, remember my blogging many years ago about the wool mill? Deb was the one that arranged my tour through the Woolen Mill.
Bill treated us to dinner one night, our family & Nicole's parents had dinner & drinks there.
I asked what had happened to the horses hitching post & was told that someone drove into it.
The Museum, I did not get a chance to view in the interior but had taken photos of the exterior exhibits.
They have a Public Library, which I again did not visit the inside. We had a wedding to plan for & the days just flew by & one day blurred into the other.
The Jewell's grocery store where we did pick up a few items for supper one night.
The Post Office, where everyone gets their mail-in lockboxes.
The Pharmacy is located on Main Street too!
Donated items for the museum are on display in the side yard.
It is farming & agriculture in this area, here's equipment from the past.
This colourful flower 'bed' is in front of the Museum.
Getting Ready For The Reception In The Community Hall
Remember the antlers that were gifted to me from Susan & Richard? Well, here they are attached to one of Mitchell's varnished discs & moss added to the base before the flowers & accents.
The Elnora Community Hall had a beautiful kitchen to work on this project.
It came together like the picture on their wedding invitation!
Mitch helped me with the metal circle in the center.
Bill added the fairy lights around the antlers, it was perfect! The last time I saw it was on their living room coffee table, congratulations Mr & Mrs. Richardson!
So much of the wedding was done by Mitch & Nicole, I was so proud of them both.
The wood came from their property in Elnora & Bill brought the PARENT'S sign home to New Brunswick. The PARENT'S table had Nicole's parents Dave & Christiina, Bill & I & the kids Alberta parents Frank & Deb.
Mitch made the 'Kissing Booth' for photos to be taken with the information to be in the photo when taken.
He also made this backdrop for the head table of eight. This barnboard was power sprayed as it was just that - barnboard that divided animals & had all kinds of nasties on it.
The neighbours were gobsmacked after seeing his finished work, Mitch is so inventive!
Remember the Main Street tour & The Mixing Spoon? Deb made these up for the kids to give away to the guests that were attending. We took home the Chocolate Chewy Brownies, Air Canada opened the bin that we had packed them in...ours no longer have the layering. I think they wanted to know what the 'white powder' was. lol
The wedding signature quilt will be put together when the blocks have been signed by those that were not there. The quilt that I made them for this day hung on the wall & warmed the room with its colour. Mitchell made this two-tier cake stand for the wedding cake & knife & lifter accesories.
It made my heart melt when he used a table runner that I made him years ago when he lived in Ontario & now for this special day, it appears again.
Nick & Leslie arrived with us & left with us. They were so much help, Leslie has hidden talents with her schooling on organizing & planning that was much needed to keep everything flowing through the few days we had.
I spent a couple of my day's sewing - fittings for four vests needed to be taken in, a bridesmaid dress tightened up & a flower girls dress that was 12" too long & had two layers of tulle on top!
Grandpuppy Lois was with us every day & she too would have a role to play in this wedding as the 'ringbearer'.
Don & Stephanie were great in the kitchen both at the Elnor house & at the community hall, preparing meals for over a dozen people at a time.
Deb & her daughter Lena were busy making the floral bouquets for the bride, bridal party, & the lapel corsages for the parents. This is a woman of many talents!
Mitch & his best man Kelsey adding fresh greenery to the Welcome sign.
Bill & Don checking in on the lasagne in the oven. The smell was heavenly!!

Some of the wedding party & spouses the night of the rehearsal.

It was a fun evening had by all & tomorrow is the big day!
Rehearsal with the guys, Mitchell, Kelsey, Ben, & Barry, awaiting the bridal party to start. Now, don't they look serious? lol
It is getting late & I'm so glad that you stopped by to visit.
I hope you enjoyed Alberta as much as I did!
Tomorrow is the wedding blog!
Must get sleep, see you tomorrow.
What a great time had by all. Great pictures Mom. Xo