Saturday, March 7, 2020

First Week Of March Behind Us

The first week of March is now behind us & the clocks will be springing forward tomorrow!
Spring is just weeks away!!

 Bill took this photo of me last week and as you can see the snow is still with us. Last year it was the first week of June when the very last of the snow, where a 15ft drift was, finally left the lawn.

 With the sun out, it feels warm & the black asphalt is seen again.

 It really is a pretty season with the branches all dressed in the fluffy white snow. It is the winds that can blow very hard here in the NE but nothing like Cape Breton!

 I love the birch cluster where the birds/squirrels are feed.

 This was the front door the other day. Yes, I still have the Christmas wreath up! I'll change it soon to the Easter wreath with all it's bright spring colours.

 This wreath is on a covered porch, the winds swirl all around the outside of the house.

 People pay big bucks for 'flocked wreathes' mine just comes naturally with the winter weather! lol

Easter is beginning...

 The geese & rabbit are waiting for the April showers that will bring the May flowers.
We had rain for a few days & that really melted down snowbanks but then winter with the snow & we were reminded just what season we're in. I'm fond of the people that gifted me these characters, they know me so well!

With spring in the front with the rabbits & chick, behind them is a white lion lying on a lamb with a lion next to them. I'm not sure how it will end this March as last year was a lion at the beginning & the end. When we do turn the corner it happens so fast that you forget just how much snow was really here until Facebook shows you your photo memories of last year! lol

 Bill brought home another box labelled 'Easter' & the finds to be found in that box were like seeing old friends after a long period of time, like 6 years!
The large rabbit was purchased when the boys were small, Nick was around 7 yrs old...he's now 30!
The little rabbit is one I made from an old VIP fabric panel many years ago. I like the way they complement each other, even if the size ratio is so different.

 These April Cornell rabbits were purchased way back when she had her shop in White Oaks in London. So many years ago & yet it's just like a blink of an eye...years pass.

Crochet Project - : )

I am so happy about this crotchet set & how it is coming along!

 The gown is done & the bonnet is done. I have enough cotton thread left to do the booties, making it a complete set.
It was challenging for me as I do not follow patterns well & made myself learn how to do it by watching YouTube videos on the stitches & their instruction showing was great!

 The little rosettes that I had in my stash were bright white, so I dipped them into a bit of diluted Parisian essence that I made back in 2015(I blogged the recipe & how to make it) & the result was this soft muted pinky/beige colour that really sets the mood of looking like an antique!

 So sweet!

 I am also making a thin soft muslin slip to wear underneath it. I'll show it & the booties when they're finished.

St. Patrick's Day Photo's of The Boston's

 The green toile cushions are in the bay window, the window is so much warmer now that the spray foam insulation has been put in underneath it. Somehow it was missed when the house had a major renovation in 2016 & now the dining area is much warmer!

 Baxter is so handsome! I made them both green collars & was surprised how nice they looked in green! It is said that red is Boston's best colour & they do look good in red too. lol

 I laughed when I saw how tired Baxter was & still would not go to his bed to sleep. lol
 He likes to look out the window & watch our neighbour shovel his deck.

 Bridget just likes to dream of warmer days ahead.

 They remind me of the kids from the Dr. Suess book waiting for the rain to go

 But for them, it's the snowdrift in front of the window. All they see is blue sky, gray sky, snow or rain. Good thing it's a bay window & they have side views of our deck & the deck next door.

 A nice photo of Bridget with her tongue in!

Thank you for stopping by today. Our clocks are spring forward & soon the ground will be showing signs of life and I can say 'I survived another winter!'.

Till then, enjoy the sights & tastes of the season!
It really is a wonderful life!

1 comment:

  1. Lots and lots of that white stuff. Thoughts of warmer days on its way.
