Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Dog Days Of August 2024

 The days are hot and humid, each day in the high 20's Celsius but the humidity pushes us into the 30's making for a scorching & humid day when the sun is out!

Bridget & Baxter are having a sit-down with us under the birch trees.
A favourite sitting spot with our old plastic resin furniture used as living room furniture in the cottage back in 2009, it has been a good purchase from Zellers in London On. 
Back in the day, it was Boris who would have enjoyed a lay down on it on these hot lazy days of August.
The limelight hydrangeas are enjoying this humid sunny weather too!

They are bursting out over the wall and enjoying their space with the other two bushes that were moved a couple of years ago. One went to be next to the potting shed and the other is at the base of the flagpole both are doing well also!

The sunporch plants are enjoying the heat in this room too, even with both the garden doors to the kitchen & great room, with its eight windows and full garden door the sun pours through warming this unairconditioned room.
This is the other end of the sunporch, all these plants will have to migrate into the great room for the winter as this room will be closed for the winter season. It is my favourite room come spring to fall!

I pick up my knitting in the evenings & when I can do a row or two, this is for our new grandson, Baby Richardson, who will make his arrival next month. 

His soft pinwheel quilt came out beautiful, Rose did a fantastic job on the quilting of it, she always does such fine work on her longarm quilting frame.

I tried something new with the binding & did it in the cuddle fabric too! I remembered back in the day...yes, I am going old, when it used to be satin trim & the babies loved that soft feel as they were discovering their world through the sense of touch.

I made a sleeping gown & cap for him, I remember changing the diapers in the wee hours of sleep deprivation & found gowns so much easier to get at that task when my eyes did not want the snaps to
align. lol, This gown reminds me of Popeye's Sweetpea. 

His room is a soft grey & has Winnie The Pooh black/white photos in it. I had four fat quarters & used them in this design.

It's off to the longarm for quilting, I'll use the soft grey daisies for the binding of it.

I was pleased with how the scraps all came together in the 3-yard quilt design. 

From the leftover fabric from the soft tactile quilt, I made a cot quilt for his wee bed. Rose quilted it together for him as a gift for the baby, thank you, Rose. 

Today I am going to tackle a large dragon paper pieced quilt done in the baby's month colour of the bright blue sapphire colour of his birthstone. He & dad are in the Chinese zodiac, the year of the Dragon, so I thought of this idea for the baby.
It will be a lot of thinking cutting & placing it together & this week is perfect with Bill in Italy on business & Don in Las Vegas with his daughter on holiday. 

These are my colour choices for the dragon & the soft blue for the background. I have been procrastinating on this project long enough, let the day begin as I start to play with the idea in my head & make it appear...photos to follow in the next blog.

Thank you for stopping in for a visit on this hot sunny August day, with three weeks & 5 days until Autumn makes its appearance. Enjoy your summer!


Just the eight pets to look after & the day is mine!

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