Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Savouring The Last 59 Days Of Summer!

 The heat has slowed down or I'm just climatizing to it but it seems comfortable today.

It's so beautiful here & I want to take you for a walk through the woods, so that begins with a walk over the little rustic bridge.

I hope you wear your Deet bracelet or spray yourself with 'Ode to deet'. lol The carpet is laid out for you, come with me. :)

Yeah, you're over the bridge and now are entering the woods and the gargoyle will be watching & keeping you safe,

Hmm, the fork is in the path. Should we go left or right?

Let's go left!

There are hidden cement houses with slate roofs that are here year-round!

And a shy, hiding gnome with a gold hat watching your every move in the roots of the old cedar tree.

He is harmless & lives in the woods with others.

Fun this takes us to the Bunkie, if we turn right or...

If we turn left we're going to the pond! Let's go right & see the work going on!

The wood floor gazebo is being installed! It will have a steel roof to keep the rain and snow out.

Don & his dad Bill are working on this hot weekend to get it installed, many, many pieces needed to go together. And when two pieces were missing their holes, there was some growling...

They improvised & got the pieces together by drilling the holes that were missing.

The gazebo will be an extension outside of the bunkie giving a true outdoor experience and with it being screened in, a wonderful experience without those pesky mosquitoes!

This is the front view of the bunkie & gazebo.

And now we will walk out to the laneway, yes this is a parking spot for the bunkie.

We are still in the laneway and next to the bunkie, a two-car garage will be built next year. Bill has too many machinery things and winters are long and harsh here.
Don has started clearing the area out for the backfill to be put in place.

Bridget has come to join us for our walk too, she knows something is happening in the woods again. lol

We are on the laneway to go to the house & the bunkie looks far away now.

As we age in place Bill has purchased a used Rhino two-seater to move around with his work things, it really is a handy thing! I've yet to drive it, but maybe in autumn, I will learn.

OK,  let's go up to the house.

Or we could walk down the laneway to the road but the mosquitoes are beginning to swarm.
Let's say goodbye to the working guys.

Admiring the beautiful blue sky, I saw at the top of the tree twinkling lights!! I told Bill to look too but he said it was the sap glistening in the hot sun. Lights on our trees probably came from someone else seeing that gorgeous spectacle for the first time too!

Such a beautiful blue sky to work in!

The sun did make it very hot and the shade inside the gazebo was comfortable.

See the shade underneath? Yes, it's too hot here in the sun.

Bridget has her feet collar on to keep those pesky mosquitoes away.

It's so beautiful here in the woods.

Still with me? Let's take 'the service' road back to the house. This road was made larger for the Rhino & quad to travel down.

A side view out of the gazebo.

And we are back to the house!
I'll show you what I've made for the new grandson who will be making his appearance this September!

For a Dr. Suess quilt from The Cat In The Hat, I used a racing check for the sashing & binding.

We are getting very excited about new Baby Richardson's arrival! xXx

We also took a trip to Montreal for three days to celebrate Aunt Alice's 95th birthday. She made arrangements to have it at her Tennis Club, where she is an honorary member.

We stayed in the Hilton Motel where Bill's sister Margaret was staying also. The next day, we took an Uber Cab to Aunt Alice's apartment to pick her up and here we all are just before her party at the Tennis Club.
She is one of the most inspiring women I've had the privilege to spend time with and again, enjoyed our time together in Montreal.

I was happy to be home in my small quiet village after the hustle & bustle of a large city that was so under construction and so populated!!

Thank you for stopping by & I hope you enjoyed your virtual walk in the woods with me & watching the guys work in the hot sun.

We only have 59 days before Autumn turns the page, so savour summer. I have heard the cicadas singing and telling us to enjoy these summer days.

Wishing you health & happiness.
Hugs, Cynthia


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