This morning is a sunny snowy day & I can see that winter has arrived. We have been so lucky this year as snow fell in areas above us & below us as we remained the donut with nothing inside for us.
Until yesterday.
This is what it looked like when I went to bed & the snow & wind still had several more hours before it would stop. I thought I would reach out to the rest of the family with 'Snow Day' I was having.
Bill is in Tampa FL with the Elevator Code Meetings & said it was 27C there & sent me this photo!
Donny said it was OK to have a BQ in London but slippery & his neighbour took a fall!
And two hours up the 401 highway in Brampton GTA...
Nicholas said they had freezing rain & a flash freeze that he would trade it for snow & I would too, ice is so dangerous walking & driving in. He is living on the 27th floor of a highrise. Nasty weather!
Mitchell sent me a weather shot, it is too cold to snow there! Burr in Alberta.
I guess the weather is winter wherever you are. lol, I shovelled today for my exercise whilst the snow was light & fluffy to lift.
The big blower snow plough did the job on the long laneway & parking lot, I did the porch & steps.
This is the view from the upstairs stain glass studio. The division of the shore & water is beginning to blend together making it look like the tundra again. Smelt fishing has been going on & smelt fries in the community have started.
And I'm very thankful to have evergreens on our property to break that tundra look.
The dining room view, with evergreens to the left & to the right, straight out is the Miramichi Bay.
The potting shed is snowed in till the spring now & I've already started my springtime dreaming. :)
This huge evergreen looks very close to the window today, it startled me coming out of the pantry!
I think the 'snow waves' bring things closer & the brightness from the sun is blinding today.
How cute is this pillow?! Thank you, Sandy, I love it! And I have redone the dining room in black & white, how vogue is the new pillow?! I hope you are enjoying your new baby Chow puppy!
And this precious needle felted Boston made its way to me from SIL Margaret in California. So sweet, I love it! Thank you!!
I hope you are enjoying Sally, your new baby puppy!
That makes three new baby pups that have wonderful loving homes that I know of this 2020 & it is only thirteen days into it too! Good luck, I adored my Bostons as babies but the work was exhausting to me as it was just me looking after two puppies. Many hands, little work, that will help with these new puppies. I love anything Boston! lol
Rexton thinks that every basket is hers!
Big cat in a little basket!
She circled & circled it trying to increase the size, hoping it would stretch out somehow.
Those are 'mad Manx ears'. She should feel lucky that she's a Manx without the long domestic cattail or it would be even more crowded in that wicker basket! lol
The bay window is such a hot spot throughout the year with Bridget & Baxter.
Baxter is missing Bill again & watches to see if there's any movement outside.
At the grocery store, they had Armyliss bulbs on sale for $1.50 each but only the pink. I have never had pink, just red coloured ones in the past. I love the shade of pink in these bulbs!
The first paperwhite opened on New Years & they still are blooming & oh, so fragrant.
The dining room table houses the plants next to the bay window for light.
A pleasure to view as I eat there alone.
This is my winter project this year & I plan on having it done by the Napan Agricultural Fair time this summer. It is so old fashion looking & it also taught me a new crochet stitch called 'V-Stitch'.
I don't think I'll do the booties, just the dress & bonnet. I will see how much crochet thread is left.
It keeps my hands busy when I'm in front of the TV at night now that I've mastered the new stitch!
I spent hours redoing & counting the increased neck yoke, no TV & no talking, just counting.
The black & white plaster cat sits on the blanket & I moved the Boston pillow away from the busy bay window. It enhances the wicker set that I brought home from England years ago. I have a girlfriend Nicola that has a fantastic eye for great finds in the charity shops over there.
Look at this pink, yellow, & soft green in this bulb flower. It is an inspirational view of things to come in just five months it will be June & planting time again!
This bulb was planted at the same time but is taking its own time to bloom.
I used the glass hurricane lamps to help keep them upright as they grow & the light can still filter through to help with the growth.
My winter happy spot right now! The winter backdrop of winter just makes the colours more vibrant!
Almost done! Just the outside borders to sew on, rod sleeves upper & lower, & the binding & it is done! Ready for Christmas this year 2020. It is going to be quiet with all the kids away with their partner's family.
I'm OK with that as they are all back here in May & that makes my heart sing!
The Richardson plaque has been installed in the front foyer & compliments the Home coordinate.
And it is viewable from the 2nd storey mezzanine, perfect for our home!
I will be starting stain glass classes next week & I never finished this Christmas hanging, so close!
I will work on it now that I have students there & I've got an idea for February!
Years ago June gave me a plant for my cottage window boxes but I cannot let plants die when winter comes & I have had it for years & it now resides in the upper mezzanine & is climbing the wall for more space in the sun!
You can find Mr. Boots wherever the sun is, he is a great sun worshiper.
I'm almost finished with the Regata Rug, just the corner is left. I want to put the year there in Roman numerals MMXX & the maple left. I'll talk a photo of it finished, I've to fix the Roman numerals first.
I found this Stonehedge cheater print & thought it would make great pillow covers as we transition into the next season.
I will quilt it & add dark brown faux suede to it with the backing & piping. It's in my head still I'll show it in a later post when I bring it to life.
There was only 3/4yd left in this colour but it is perfect with the teal velvet drapes so this will be the summer/fall pillow change. What a difference a colour palette makes with the feel of designs!
The year 2020 has started & it is going to be a great year as we progress into it.
Wishing you a pleasant winter wherever you are, with health & happiness.
Thank you for stopping by for a visit to the northeast Atlantic corner of my world. I love living here & each season has its own beauty as it changes from one to another with the changing seasons with the east coast of Canada. Stay safe.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Air Canada, Shame On You & Happy New Year
Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year & even better when you're with your loved ones & family.
This is a long blog with many photos, get yourself a cuppa & settle in for a visit! So glad you are here!
Our family was getting together & flying in on different days at different times all with Air Canada.
Stephanie was to join us on Christmas Day for our turkey feast...
Her flight from London Ontario to Toronto's Pearson was much delayed with fog & she arrived with 16 minutes to make it off the plane & to the gate for her Moncton NB flight...that is when things went sideways with all the overbooking that the airline does. They let someone on her seat, she had her ticket & was looking at the plane she was to board only to be told that it was now no longer possible for her to make that flight but could get the later flight.
She went to see about getting the later flight & would miss our Christmas dinner as she would arrive in Moncton NB around midnight & still would have a 1:45 ride in the car to get here!
One hour before her flight that flight was cancelled! She was beside herself & we could all hear it in her voice whilst Donny had her on his cell's speakerphone. My heart was sinking fast, she was alone for Christmas & stuck in one of the busiest airports in Canada on Christmas Day!
Bill, the Million Mile Flyer' then talked to someone & he even said she should have had a seat on her connecting flight! Stephanie was only to be here for a short visit of Christmas supper & then leaving at 7:30am Thursday, a 40 hr visit so her only solution was to go back to London ON, a 15min plane ride back where she started earlier that day. The person Bill talked to said he had a seat for her back to London but she would have to use her return ticket to get there!
Long story short on this horrible Christmas airport story is that London was cancelled & she was given a motel voucher to sleep her Christmas evening away & take the 1st London flight back.
Bill will be handling getting his 'flying points back', & the customer service was very bad, shame on you for giving her PAID seat away!!
Now onto the Christmas that we did have, so sorry Stephanie, you were so missed by us!
And I am so looking forward to seeing you before the mosquitoes come to life again. XO
Baxter & Bridget were looking festive in their Alpaca fleece-lined sweater with Christmas scarves around their necks.
Our grandpuppy Lois wearing her nightshirt that I made her. Lois stayed in Calgary whilst Mitchell & Nicole came here. She was having a sleepover at her buddy's house in front of a fireplace & was well cared for in Alberta.
Mitchell & Nicole heading to the shore Christmas day to start the bonfire on the beach.
Mitch found a sculptural piece of wood for the spring garden, good eye!
The shoreline was shrinking with the tide pushing the ice onto the shore.
Mitchell finding wood for the fire in the breaker wall rocks.
Good job Mitch, those that know me, know I do not do water well, look at how close it is!
I stayed on the high ground, it was also icy & since my fall on ice, I'm nervous on the ice.
The kids, Donny where are you?
Playing on a log!
Yes, I know you are getting wood for the fire, thank you!
What a bunch, I love all my children. They make my heart sing when we are all together!
And this is the closest I'm going to the fire, I can see the fire. :)
Donny & the Boston's, Bridget is looking for him to throw 'stick'. lol
Donald & Nicholas, don't forget to bring the wheel barrel home!
It was winter at the shoreline.
The Christmas puzzle was started on Christmas Eve & finished on Boxing day.

We spent many an hour working on it & I had forgotten how much fun & contentment it was finding pieces.
What a beautiful Christmas stamp collection!
Mitchell & Bill, so nice to have the kids home for Christmas. Next year they are all with their spouse's family. Bill & I have to share them now as their lives have grown into others. But they never forget their roots that they grew from!
Nicholas where are you? Working on the puzzle with me?
Bill & I walking away from the shore, you can see how much snow we had on Christmas day. The weather was not an issue for Air Canada on the east coast! Shame on you Air Canada!
Doesn't this look like a 'Shame on you Air Canada?'! OK, enough of that negative issue.
Our Christmas was a relaxing time for all!
Our newly appointed firefighter in Elnora Alberta cleaned up the yard in the firepit.
Oh how proud these kids of ours make us, congratulations Mitchell William!
These two have a big year ahead of them with their wedding on October 11th, 2020! Exciting!!!
The laughter was plentiful with the antics of Christmas. Bill has worn his PJ bottoms (aka 'comfy pants') His thought, nowhere to go, be comfortable!
Santa's reindeer clan grew this Christmas. lol
Christmas Eve Hungarian tradition of a fish dinner, with a new reindeer sporting her horns!
Yes, a Christmas explosion hit our home this 2019 Christmas.
Nicholas took a photo of Bill & I taking a photo! lol, funny guy!
And here is the Richardson Clan wearing the PJ's that I worked on this year.
Mitchell wore his PJ's under his Buckey Beaver costume.
When Bill sent me these hilarious photos from their Texas NASCAR race last October, I cried so much from laughter that I couldn't speak! LOL
Funny guy Mitchell William!
And when his head was down reading his phone, the costume really came to life! He was a hit at the track that Halloween! So many stories the four guys have from that trip! LOL
It was a Merry Christmas!
Nicole & Rexton really had bonded with each other. Rexton even allowed her to put her in the tote purse to see if she would travel well to Alberta. I am now looking for a Manx for her to take home.
Christmas morning before the kids were awake. They were all good & Santa filled their stockings!
The festive candle was beautifully lit every day, a road trip purchase when Jocelyn & I braved the wind storm to get to the Candle In The Window in Boisetown NB. Fun day with surprises!
These two really felt all the chaos & excitement of the family being home for Christmas.
Bill's creation of a family collage in a clock! Yes, even Aunt Alice from Montreal is in the clock & was so surprised when she opened it & other goodies that were shipped to her apartment!
Get job Bill! XO
Mitchell & Nicole had this made for us! I just love it & it now is hung in our front foyer.
Nicholas was taking photos of wildlife outside. Blue Jay in the wicker feeder.
I was amazed to see the different shades of blue outlined in black, so beautiful! Great pics! XO
Yes, the fire on the beach for Christmas was done with the help of the kids & Mitch & Nicole started that party on the beach.
Bill & I arrive to see what the kids have been up to. You can't miss Donny in his elevator work coat!
It was a sunny day that Christmas Day, just beautiful compared to other Christmas's!
Here we are on top of the breaker wall for our annual shot. Little snow & the beautiful blue sky above
Day & Night from years past that is for sure!!
Thank you for stopping in for a Christmas visit as we all enter into the year 2020, wow does that not make you think of space?!
I would like to take the time to thank you for coming into the blog for a visit to see the antics from the Atlantic east coast, a place that I now call home.
Wishing you & yours the very best in the new year of health, happiness, & prosperity!
Everything seems so fresh when a new year invites us in, open your eyes & heart & enter.
And don't forget to smile, it is contagious you know!
This is a long blog with many photos, get yourself a cuppa & settle in for a visit! So glad you are here!
Our family was getting together & flying in on different days at different times all with Air Canada.
Stephanie was to join us on Christmas Day for our turkey feast...
Her flight from London Ontario to Toronto's Pearson was much delayed with fog & she arrived with 16 minutes to make it off the plane & to the gate for her Moncton NB flight...that is when things went sideways with all the overbooking that the airline does. They let someone on her seat, she had her ticket & was looking at the plane she was to board only to be told that it was now no longer possible for her to make that flight but could get the later flight.
She went to see about getting the later flight & would miss our Christmas dinner as she would arrive in Moncton NB around midnight & still would have a 1:45 ride in the car to get here!
One hour before her flight that flight was cancelled! She was beside herself & we could all hear it in her voice whilst Donny had her on his cell's speakerphone. My heart was sinking fast, she was alone for Christmas & stuck in one of the busiest airports in Canada on Christmas Day!
Bill, the Million Mile Flyer' then talked to someone & he even said she should have had a seat on her connecting flight! Stephanie was only to be here for a short visit of Christmas supper & then leaving at 7:30am Thursday, a 40 hr visit so her only solution was to go back to London ON, a 15min plane ride back where she started earlier that day. The person Bill talked to said he had a seat for her back to London but she would have to use her return ticket to get there!
Long story short on this horrible Christmas airport story is that London was cancelled & she was given a motel voucher to sleep her Christmas evening away & take the 1st London flight back.
Bill will be handling getting his 'flying points back', & the customer service was very bad, shame on you for giving her PAID seat away!!
Now onto the Christmas that we did have, so sorry Stephanie, you were so missed by us!
And I am so looking forward to seeing you before the mosquitoes come to life again. XO
Baxter & Bridget were looking festive in their Alpaca fleece-lined sweater with Christmas scarves around their necks.
Our grandpuppy Lois wearing her nightshirt that I made her. Lois stayed in Calgary whilst Mitchell & Nicole came here. She was having a sleepover at her buddy's house in front of a fireplace & was well cared for in Alberta.
Mitchell & Nicole heading to the shore Christmas day to start the bonfire on the beach.
Mitch found a sculptural piece of wood for the spring garden, good eye!
The shoreline was shrinking with the tide pushing the ice onto the shore.
Mitchell finding wood for the fire in the breaker wall rocks.
Good job Mitch, those that know me, know I do not do water well, look at how close it is!
I stayed on the high ground, it was also icy & since my fall on ice, I'm nervous on the ice.
The kids, Donny where are you?
Playing on a log!
Yes, I know you are getting wood for the fire, thank you!
What a bunch, I love all my children. They make my heart sing when we are all together!
And this is the closest I'm going to the fire, I can see the fire. :)
Donny & the Boston's, Bridget is looking for him to throw 'stick'. lol
Donald & Nicholas, don't forget to bring the wheel barrel home!
It was winter at the shoreline.
The Christmas puzzle was started on Christmas Eve & finished on Boxing day.
It was a 1,000 piece Ravensburg puzzle that I had ordered last year & it did not arrive until after Christmas. I was so ready for puzzle time this Christmas!
We spent many an hour working on it & I had forgotten how much fun & contentment it was finding pieces.
What a beautiful Christmas stamp collection!
Mitchell & Bill, so nice to have the kids home for Christmas. Next year they are all with their spouse's family. Bill & I have to share them now as their lives have grown into others. But they never forget their roots that they grew from!
Nicholas where are you? Working on the puzzle with me?
Bill & I walking away from the shore, you can see how much snow we had on Christmas day. The weather was not an issue for Air Canada on the east coast! Shame on you Air Canada!
Doesn't this look like a 'Shame on you Air Canada?'! OK, enough of that negative issue.
Our Christmas was a relaxing time for all!
Our newly appointed firefighter in Elnora Alberta cleaned up the yard in the firepit.
Oh how proud these kids of ours make us, congratulations Mitchell William!
These two have a big year ahead of them with their wedding on October 11th, 2020! Exciting!!!
The laughter was plentiful with the antics of Christmas. Bill has worn his PJ bottoms (aka 'comfy pants') His thought, nowhere to go, be comfortable!
Santa's reindeer clan grew this Christmas. lol
Christmas Eve Hungarian tradition of a fish dinner, with a new reindeer sporting her horns!
Yes, a Christmas explosion hit our home this 2019 Christmas.
Nicholas took a photo of Bill & I taking a photo! lol, funny guy!
And here is the Richardson Clan wearing the PJ's that I worked on this year.
Mitchell wore his PJ's under his Buckey Beaver costume.
When Bill sent me these hilarious photos from their Texas NASCAR race last October, I cried so much from laughter that I couldn't speak! LOL
Funny guy Mitchell William!
And when his head was down reading his phone, the costume really came to life! He was a hit at the track that Halloween! So many stories the four guys have from that trip! LOL
It was a Merry Christmas!
Nicole & Rexton really had bonded with each other. Rexton even allowed her to put her in the tote purse to see if she would travel well to Alberta. I am now looking for a Manx for her to take home.
Christmas morning before the kids were awake. They were all good & Santa filled their stockings!
The festive candle was beautifully lit every day, a road trip purchase when Jocelyn & I braved the wind storm to get to the Candle In The Window in Boisetown NB. Fun day with surprises!
These two really felt all the chaos & excitement of the family being home for Christmas.
Bill's creation of a family collage in a clock! Yes, even Aunt Alice from Montreal is in the clock & was so surprised when she opened it & other goodies that were shipped to her apartment!
Get job Bill! XO
Mitchell & Nicole had this made for us! I just love it & it now is hung in our front foyer.
Nicholas was taking photos of wildlife outside. Blue Jay in the wicker feeder.
I was amazed to see the different shades of blue outlined in black, so beautiful! Great pics! XO
Yes, the fire on the beach for Christmas was done with the help of the kids & Mitch & Nicole started that party on the beach.
Bill & I arrive to see what the kids have been up to. You can't miss Donny in his elevator work coat!
It was a sunny day that Christmas Day, just beautiful compared to other Christmas's!
Here we are on top of the breaker wall for our annual shot. Little snow & the beautiful blue sky above
Day & Night from years past that is for sure!!
Thank you for stopping in for a Christmas visit as we all enter into the year 2020, wow does that not make you think of space?!
I would like to take the time to thank you for coming into the blog for a visit to see the antics from the Atlantic east coast, a place that I now call home.
Wishing you & yours the very best in the new year of health, happiness, & prosperity!
Everything seems so fresh when a new year invites us in, open your eyes & heart & enter.
And don't forget to smile, it is contagious you know!
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