All the beautiful ivy that was around my studio has died this year!! It has been there since 1997 & now it is mostly dead, so Bill removed it all this past long weekend. Wow did it ever change the look outside!
The trellis had to be removed too!
The shutters had to be removed to take the ivy, that had woven itself through the shutters. Everything had a wash down, shutters, siding, windows, all sparkly but so bare!
Look at how thick the trunk of the ivy had gotten, it was entangled through the wrought iron gate too!
A huge trunk! I was sorry to see it go, the ivy had come from the spray of flowers off my friend Edie's casket. She was my good English lady friend & the ivy was so her, ivy is everywhere in England.
Having her ivy was soothing to me, like having her spirit still with me, surrounding my studio with a thick entangling hug of shade in the summer & a freshness of green through the winter.
The stump was so thick & strong, I don't know how it died but was told it was our unusual weather with the thawing & freezing, causing a bacteria, during a thaw, then frozen deep.
Easter is still peeking out the window! lol
It looks oh so bare!!
It does have a wee cottage look to it though.
I'm going to miss all that green ivy!!!!
Squirrel, my squirrel that I've had for ten years, escaped from his cage last Friday...he returned on Saturday afternoon though! That was his fourth escape & return. Squirrel will live another 5 to 10 years...or less if he keeps escaping into the wild! This city is so unsafe for him, cats, foxes, cars, he's safe again in his cage!
I was at the Britain Trunk Show Of Quilts this week...
This was the sign that greeted you near the front door of the Ailsa Craig Community Park, where the quilt show was hosted inside the community centre.
There are a lot of pictures of quilts to inspire you but it is not all the camera battery died!
Enjoy what has been captured for this post!
Throughout the show, the hand quilting was exquisite! As was all the hand embroidery & embellishing!!
Can you see the French knots around the blue, on the red hearts? The stem work also is hand embroidered!
The whole quilt, from the detailing shown in the photo above.
This is Cynthia, my partner in crime for the day & what a fun outing we had! She got so excited seeing this quilt, it is hand pieced with paper templates. She told me the name of the quilt design, however, I've forgotten, she wants to start piecing a quilt design like this one. I'm going to begin doing the Farmer's Wife, so I'm going to hold my enthusiasm for this beauty. lol
It really is a gorgeous quilt Cynthia & all the very best doing it!!
Love the baskets!
Oh so effective for a woven look too!
A Celtic beauty! ...
With yo-yo's...
& embellishing on the stars.
The pebble quilting made me think of my longarm quilting friend Karen, & the Celtic theme was repeated throughout the quilt.
Love, love William Morris styling!
The sky, really caught my eye!
So much to see...
Cute dimensional dress!
& organized!
Loved this wall hanging!
And the saying too!
Sew much variety in wall hangings...
The fabric manipulation was fantastic!

Close up...

The texture of the mono white keeps added richness to the texture.
Yes, areas were knitted with fabric!

How effective is that?!!
Look in the center...
It was richly embellished with pearls!
Symbolic mining wall hanging.
This one was very unique.
Cynthia pointed out the key, I never even saw it till then!
And then I saw so much metal hardware in this wall hanging called, Venetian Shutters.
So Scottish with the thistles!
Wall Hangings

Corner fans & a centre Dresden plate.
Hand pieced & embroidered butterflies! Beautiful & oh so summery!

This is a piece, no 1/2 piece of paper!
Wow Liz here's a pineapple challenge for you!!
Even a whole cloth miniature! These designers have...patience of a saint!
More embellishments with sequins & beads.
This was painted!! on fabric...
The vase was beautiful! as was the whole cloth quilt!!

Here's another painted quilt!
Loved this one! Can you see the horse?
Now can you?
The fabric looked like it was metal, so cool!!!
Outside the square?... No inside the circle!
So many different ways to do this art form of quilting!
Folded paper piecing! Cynthia & I had really investigate this technique. lol
Asian beauty...
All done to a four patch block placement!
The border was gorgeous!
This was done on a paper like texture, the gold thread work was exquisite!
Love the embellishing!
And the quilt that was done on a wooden median, found here in fabric.
All in all... was a great show!
Next year it will be 'Quilts of France' May 18th - May 23rd 2015
Ailsa Craig Recreation Center, Ailsa Craig, Ontario
Thank you for stopping by for a viewing, hope you enjoyed it!