Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Fall Is Upon Us

 It sure feels like the season it is, fall these days. So much rain has fallen, making the leaves heavy and falling off the trees. The wind is changing just to reassure us that it is autumn!

The colours are so beautiful when we drive to town, even in the overcast the colours are there!

The chickens are now doing what we wanted when we got them last May 6th: The last of the Rhode Island Reds has laid her egg! For now, four eggs a day will be the norm, but this will slow down as winter approaches.

Nick & Leslie gave me this for my birthday in a full bag of 'chicken surprise gifts' this is so fitting right now, thank you, kids!

Bill made us a Sunday breakfast of scrambled eggs! They were delicious!!

The colour of the eggs is perfect & the shells are thick and healthy, the girls are happy and Rusty the Rooster seems to be always muttering about something, he is such a good rooster, a gentleman to his ladies, & a hero protecting them too.

I started Liam's Winnie-The-Pooh quilt with Art East Quilting, one chapter a month to make the quilt, this month is Winnie. I'm making two Winnie's one for the quilt & one for a crib quilt.
I'll post when I get them done.
Sew many pieces to get this block done, this block is 19" x 37.5", so perfect for the crib size, just borders to enlarge the end.

This is the whole quilt when finished, there are nine chapters & will finish at 70" x70".

This just makes my eyes swell as a friend of mine recently found this & a handwritten letter from his mother when going through her things after her passing. 
Winnie-the-Pooh is timeless and has no age limit to it. 

Some autumn pics of the property here, it was Blue Box day & the walk to the end of the lane inspired me to go & take these pics to share. This is my favourite time of year, sweater weather. lol

This is approximately halfway down the lane. Where I stopped is where the new garage will be built, this spring 2025.
Such colour always reminds me of plaid fabric!

This is the new garage area and the lane that goes to the house.

We planted a new garden along the lane to add a shot of colour & texture with the limelight hydrangeas.

So many maples that are showy at this time of year!

I have started drinking rosehip tea since the new meds I'm on have me avoiding tea, coffee, & chocolate! I'm enjoying the flavour & my body likes it too!

Bill & I picked these and the jar was full, he likes the flavour as an evening drink.
I picked more this morning so I'll clean them & put them in a jar once they are fully dried.
Well, Bridget, Baxter, & I are going for a walk down the laneway to drag the emptied big Blue Box back home, this time it will be lighter!
Well, I must get on with my day, this was just a post to let you know how happy I am with the chickens now that they're laying eggs!

Thank you for stopping by & I'm hoping you have a wonderful Happy Thanksgiving!
We will be having our Thanksgiving dinner in Chatham, Nick & Leslie are hosting it this year!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Hugs, Cynthia