Thursday, June 27, 2024

Summer Has Arrived!

 Summer has arrived & did we ever get a heat wave with it!

Today is a rainy day & a good day to finally blog!

The gardens are in constant bloom now and I bring the outside flowers in to enjoy all day.

The chicken coop & run was a big job with the guys working full-time jobs.

The cement floor in the coop was done and the construction of the frame, door, & windows came together. The roof will be a steel roof that was ordered & will be installed on the coop & the run when it arrives.

This is the front, it slopes to the back where the ditch is to drain water away.

The two small three-pane horizontal windows do not open but the back one does & inside the solid door, Bill made a screen door for the air to flow through. There is venting all the way around the rooftop too.
Bridget loves to look at them & they like to look at her too!

Here they are together, now the small rooster, yes I had another rooster! Has been rehomed to a farm in Blackville thanks to the group I joined called The Miramichi Chicken Keepers.
So now we have one rooster & four laying hens.

They are delightful to watch & you can see their personalities forming. The Rhode Island Reds were born on May 6th & the Barred Rock were 2+ weeks older than the farmer told Bill as he purchased them off the back of a pickup truck and told him they were three hens! lol 

There is harmony with all the animals & I can come & go from their pen.

They stayed together the first while in their new run & now just run about pecking everything new that is put into their pen.
Christine only saw them once a week and each week was amazed at how fast they grew!

The hen box is hinged and shingled, and the outside of the coop will be boarded and batten made at a mill by Christine's dad.
This is the third year my girlfriend Karen & her husband Jim have come to visit.
They brought her mom to her brother-in-law & sister's new home near Sussex & helped them settle in doing some gardening then came to visit us before heading back to Ontario.

The chickens were too big to be inside this box and were fully feathered & happy to move outside to their new home.
I was happy to see the dust settle finally with them out of the house. I had no idea how much dust they could kick up!
Jim came from a farm & worked along with Bill getting the coop ready for the chickens, this is the door to the coop that they're working on. 

I have only named two the rooster is Rusty & the Rhode Island are all called Reba. lol The other is Barred Rock I've been calling her Henny.

Through research about the Barred Rock, it is said that the females are darker than the males & this photo really shows it!
Karen & Jim enjoyed their time here at Beaver Moon and their help was greatly appreciated.

Karen & I are on the front porch before saying goodbye until next summer.

Safe travels & we'll see you next summer!

Safe travels really mean something here with all the wildlife...

Two weeks ago Donald left home at 2am for his 5am flight out of Moncton, the early morning had very thick fog and he was driving his BMW M3 convertible when he saw & hit the moose!! Lucky him to survive such an impact & it was only three minutes from our home!
The car was still drivable so he took it to Moncton to be on time for his flight to Toronto. 
Driving onto the main 11 highway a transport pulled over & a dead moose on the side of the road.
The next day the radio was announcing for people driving at dawn or dust to be very alert. There has been so much foresting going on right now that it is affecting their habitat. Enough of things that I cannot control.

I made a new pillow for Canada Day, it was from a kids' t-shirt & some fabric from my stash.

It's so nice to have the sunporch back for my morning coffee time. I think the chickens are happy too! 

I'm nearly finished with the Calico Garden quilt & I'm itching to start the How To Build A Scarecrow applique pattern from Lori Holt's new Autumn fabric collection.

One more border then the outer border to finish it off at 90" x 90". This was a big job to do!!

Adding three more chickens that turned out to be two roosters is part of the story of this quilt too! lol

Thank you for stopping by & I want to wish all the Canadians out there a very happy & safe Canada Day!

Travel safely wherever you are and enjoy this wonderful summer and all it has to offer!

Cynthia xXx