Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Lunch Time

Today it was a lunch time with son Donald (aka, my Donny), Melissa, & daughters Madison & Alicia. We had the family's favorite soup, Campbell's Tomatoe soup with macaroni & grilled cheese sandwiches. Followed by ice cream sundaes with fruit & whip cream, yum.
Beautiful Richardson Family photo, Stoan the 16 yr old son is action with friends.
 These girls are growing fast, thank you for smiling Alicia. Am I really that short? There have been songs made about women like me -- 5 foot 2 eyes of blue! lol
 Today was Alicia's birthday & I surprised her with a throw of her heart throb.
 In two weeks Madison has her birthday. So she too was surprised with a Bieber throw. I asked their dad what he thought of his daughters sleeping with Justin Bieber, just the blanket he replied. lol
Boris wanted everyone's attention, here he is being a lap dog. He's so small compared to their chubby bull dog & huge 200 pound mastiff, they find Boris 'puppy size'.
A great lunch time with fun conversation. Tomorrow Donald flies to Calgary ( which had a hail storm last night)to see his brother Mitch. You two boys behave -- remember when I use to tell you to act like I'm in the room? Act like I'm in the room, behave you two! XO

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