Thursday, February 10, 2022

So Much Snow - 38 Days Until Spring!

 Winter has found us!

There is so much snow in the northern part of New Brunswick, it is rather peaceful to look at as a huge blanket of pure white covering what is to come this spring!

The view out the dining room window shows how high the snow has gotten, the deck is no longer seen!
Thank heavens it is not attached to the sunporch as it must weigh a ton with all that snow!

It is beginning to fill up at the great room window too! The backyard wrap-around deck railing is barely visible & you can see a glimpse of it by the drape. 

The blue-muffin bush will have a good drink come March thaw!

The front porch is attached to the house so it has to stay clean! It is getting harder to put the snow anywhere now, Bill is taller & can reach higher so he's been doing it lately.
The pond is going to have a big filling this spring, remember when winter froze & there was still water in the pond? The trenches are going to be flowing heavily with the thaw!

The Emerald green trees that the kids planted several years ago are wrapped in snow fencing to help keep them together with the snow/ice that moves through here from the open bay. 
The rose bush at the white trellis, is going to get a good drink too with the thaw!

Bill has been plowing & blowing the snow as far as he can to keep the parking area open.

His shop is getting piled around too! The pond is behind his shop & the water should drain to that area.
In just four months the toads will be mating & the night air will be filled with their mating songs.

This is the feeding area that Bill fills up for the wee animals to help them get through our harsh winter.

We wondered where the peanuts were going from a new feeder that Bill made this year & what a surprise to see a woodpecker coming & going to get peanuts!

Bill was puzzled to see just empty shells in the glass container!

The animal would enter through the hole then into the container so you could watch!
My girlfriend Liz gave me the pattern so many years ago. Her husband Bob had made some on their property & I love it! So Bill, handsome & handy... he finally made me one! xXx

You can see our bullet propane tanks but what you can't see is the path on the other side of this snowbank. Those are large propane tanks that the house generator works off of in case of power outages.

The dog run area is just a tunnel of snow now that goes to Bill's shop.

This is the view from my sewing room. Very peaceful to view!
I've been sewing there every day!

This oval fits nicely in a hanger that I made for my sewing room door!

The center of the 'O' has velcro on it & every month Buttermilk Basin has a free BOM to fill that 'O'.

Here it is hanging on my sewing room door! Sewing does spark JOY in me & I enjoy creating through it with colour & design with different textiles of cotton & wool.

The Buttermilk Basin FB group did this little quilt, I added the pink heart border to it & some will hearts. I used scraps from the Christmas sock fabric with the metallic fabric & loved the result!

I also played with my Pfaff 720 & did some gold hearts around the border. The machine does beautiful stitches & I need to start using more than straight/zigzag stitches with it. I do use the buttonhole stitch a lot to sew my applique pieces down. This was a scrappy quilt for Valentine 2022.

I made the grapevine wreath many years ago & have added a gold heart one inside it. It hangs in the foyer & I'm happy to see a warm red colour amongst all the cool white snow right now.

These two rabbits are about 30 years old now. The shoes were Mitch & Nick's when they were babies. 
The red is velvet & they too sit in the foyer on the painted oak bench.
I'm so proud of Bridget & Baxter for just sitting on the bench with them & not chewing them up!

I got a phone call from my son Donald that my mom had passed away.
She had been in a full care home for many years with her dementia & several strokes.

This was a good day with her & the last time I saw her was in the summer of  2017.

This was my mom in 2020, she was confined to a wheelchair after the last stroke & her quality of life was one of an infant. 
The circle of life had closed 1932-2022
Rest in peace momma.

Thank you for stopping by today.
 It has been a difficult week for me but the sun is shining & my life is a very blessed one with those that love me.

Take care, stay safe in this ever-changing world that we are living in right now.
Cynthia xXx


  1. My condolences on the passing of your Mom.
    You sure have a lot of snow!

  2. My condolences on the passing of your dear mother.
    May she rest in peace.

    We have lots of snow here too but it looks like you have more than us as we got rain instead.

