Our ride home began at 3:15am from Baie-Sainte-Anne & was a pleasant surprise to see that everything fit in the mighty Focus, including my husband, the driver! it was tight. Under those quilts was a cat cage with Tom & Jerry sleeping off their Gravol experience. I had 53 quilted items for the Hardwicke Myer's Church Quilt Show last July & had no one visit to take away any of my quilty things or canned goods(5 cases). If there's a will, there's a way :)
Boris was such a good dog, he stays at my feet on the floor & once settled had a very long snooze under his quilt. We made only 4 pit stops & then back in the car. Our best time ever has been made this trip...15.5 hours & we were in our laneway in London, Ontario again. Great trip too, sun shone the whole way, saw 2 foxes, hit one raccoon :( & no other events till we arrived in the heart of Toronto. I'm still in awe that people chose to live there! we lost a whole hour of travel time with the stopped traffic & then only 1st & 2nd gear. I can't sew with stop & go, it makes me have nausea. I did manage to get some embroidery work done for a wee pillow in redwork. Loads of singing out loud to The Highway, Sirus new country radio channel.
The basil plant that I ate from all summer, was not left behind. Once I saw that the leaves moving with the sun, I accommodated the plant by moving it around in the car to get the sun. A taste of summer for my winter home till I return back to the summer home.
All this fitted into the 'Mighty Focus' & a large cat cage too! I won't be blogging for awhile as I need to get organized back in my studio again. It was a fun summer, one of the oddest, with no summer weather, a whole lot of rain but most enjoyable just being there. And I learnt how to hook a rug! Until next May... off to put my things together. Thank you to all those that I left behind & the memories that you've left me with :)